Java Full Stack

About the Course

Develop Dynamic Web Applications with java.Master java. Master java Programming Angular for responsive front-end web development, and Spring and Spring Boot for robust back-end systems, culminating in a comprehensive skill set to build, integrate,and deploy cloud-ready web applications.

Duration: 120 hours

Mode: Online Session

Program Duration: Week-1(5 DAYS)



  • HTML Basics
    • Understand the structure of an HTML page.
    • New Semantic Elements in HTML 5
    • Learn to apply physical/logical character effects.
    • Learn to manage document spacing.
  • Tables
    • Understand the structure of an HTML table.
    • Learn to control table format like cell spanning, cell spacing, border
  • List
    • Numbered List
    • Bulleted List
  • Working with Links
    • Understand the working of hyperlinks in web pages.
    • Learn to create hyperlinks in web pages.
    • Add hyperlinks to list items and table contents.
  • Image Handling
    • Understand the role of images in web pages
    • Learn to add images to web pages
    • Learn to use images as hyperlinks
  • Frames
    • Understand the need for frames in web pages.
    • Learn to create and work with frames.
  • HTML Forms for User Input
    • Understand the role of forms in web pages
    • Understand various HTML elements used in forms.
    • Single line text field
    • Text area
    • Check box
    • Radio buttons
    • Password fields
    • Pull-down menus
    • File selector dialog box
  • New Form Elements
    • Understand the new HTML form elements such as date, number, range, email, search and data list
    • Understand audio, video, article tags



  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets 3.0
    • What CSS can do
    • CSS Syntax
    • Types of CSS
  • Working with Text and Fonts
    • Text Formatting
    • Text Effects
    • Fonts
  • CSS Selectors
    • Type Selector
    • Universal Selector
    • ID Selector
    • Class selector
  • Colors and Borders
    • Background
    • Multiple Background
    • Colors RGB and RGBA
    • HSL and HSLA
    • Borders
    • Rounded Corners
    • Applying Shadows in border


  • Introduction to Bootstrap
    • Introduction
    • Getting Started with Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Basics
    • Bootstrap grid system
    • Bootstrap Basic Components
  • Bootstrap Components
    • Page Header
    • Breadcrumb
    • Button Groups
    • Dropdown
    • Nav & Navbars


  • ES6
  • Var, Let and Const keyword
  • Arrow functions, default arguments
  • Template Strings, String methods
  • Object de-structuring
  • Create,apply,prototype,bind method
  • Spread and Rest operator
  • Typescript Fundamentals
  • Types & type assertions, Creating custom object types, function types
  • Typescript OOPS – Classes, Interfaces, Constructor, etc
  • Decorator & Spread Operator
  • Difference == & ===
  • Asynchronous Programming in ES6
  • Promise Constructor
  • Promise with Chain
  • Promise Race

Program Duration: Week-2 (5-DAYS)


  • Declarations and Access Control
    • Identifiers & JavaBeans
    • Legal Identifiers
    • Sun’s Java Code Conventions
    • JavaBeans Standards
    • Declare Classes
    • Source File Declaration Rules
    • Class Declarations and Modifiers
    • Concrete Subclass
    • Declaring an Interface
    • Declaring Interface Constants
    • Declare Class Members
    • Access Modifiers
    • Nonaccess Member Modifiers
    • Constructor Declarations
    • Variable Declarations
    • Declaring Enums


  • Object Orientation
    • Encapsulation
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Overridden Methods
    • Overloaded Methods
    • Implementing an Interface
    • Legal Return Types
    • Return Type Declarations
    • Returning a Value
    • Constructors and Instantiation
    • Default Constructor
    • Statics
    • Static Variables and Methods
  • Assignments
    • Stack and Heap—Quick Review
    • Literals, Assignments, and Variables
    • Literal Values for All Primitive Types
    • Assignment Operators
    • Casting Primitives
    • Using a Variable or Array Element That Is Uninitialized and Unassigned
    • Local (Stack, Automatic) Primitives and Objects
    • Passing Primitive Variables
    • Array Declaration, Construction, and Initialization
    • Declaring an Array
    • Constructing an Array
    • Initializing an Array
    • Initialization Blocks
    • Using Wrapper Classes and Boxing
    • An Overview of the Wrapper Classes
    • Creating Wrapper Objects
    • Using Wrapper Conversion Utilities


  • Operators
    • Java Operators
    • Assignment Operators
    • Relational Operators
    • instanceof Comparison
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Conditional Operator
    • Logical Operators


  • Flow Control, Exceptions
    • if and switch Statements
    • if-else Branching
    • switch Statements
    • Loops and Iterators
    • Using while Loops
    • Using do Loops
    • Using for Loops
    • Using break and continue
    • Unlabeled Statements
    • Labeled Statements
    • Handling Exceptions
    • Catching an Exception Using try and catch
    • Using finally
    • Propagating Uncaught Exceptions
    • Defining Exceptions
    • Exception Hierarchy
    • Handling an Entire Class Hierarchy of Exceptions
    • Exception Matching
    • Exception Declaration and the Public Interface
    • Rethrowing the Same Exception
    • Common Exceptions and Errors


  • Maven Fundamentals
    • Introduction
    • Folder Structure
    • The pom.xml
    • Dependencies
    • Goals
    • Scopes
    • The Compiler Plugin
    • Source Plugin
    • Jar Plugin


  • Strings, I/O
    • String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer
    • The String Class
    • Important Facts About Strings and Memory
    • Important Methods in the String Class
    • The StringBuffer and StringBuilder Classes
    • Important Methods in the StringBuffer and StringBuilder Classes
    • File Navigation and I/O
    • Types of Streams
    • The Byte-stream  I/O hierarchy                                     
    • Character Stream Hierarchy       
    • Serialization


  • Generics and Collections
    • Overriding hashCode() and equals()
    • Overriding equals()
    • Overriding hashCode()
    • Collections
    • So What Do You Do with a Collection?
    • List Interface
    • Set Interface
    • Map Interface
    • Using the Collections Framework
    • ArrayList Basics
    • Autoboxing with Collections
    • Sorting Collections and Arrays
    • TreeSets and TreeMaps


  • Threads
    • Defining, Instantiating, and Starting Threads
    • Defining a Thread
    • Instantiating a Thread
    • Starting a Thread
    • Thread States and Transitions
    • Thread States
    • Preventing Thread Execution
    • Sleeping
    • Thread Priorities and yield( )
    • Synchronizing Code
    • Synchronization and Locks
    • Thread Interaction


  • Lambda Expressions
    • Introduction
    • Writing Lambda Expressions
    • Functional Interfaces
    • Types of Functional Interfaces
    • Method reference
  • Stream API
    • Introduction
    • Stream API with Collections
    • Stream Operations
  • TDD with Junit 5
    • Types of Tests
    • Why Unit Tests Are Important
    • What’s JUnit?
    • JUnit 5 Architecture
    • IDEs and Build Tool Support
    • Setting up JUnit with Maven

Program Duration: Week-3 (5 Days)


  • Introduction
    • The Relational Model
  • Understanding Basic SQL Syntax
    • The Relational Model
    • Basic SQL Commands – SELECT
    • Basic SQL Commands – INSERT
    • Basic SQL Commands – UPDATE
    • Basic SQL Commands – DELETE
  • Querying Data with the SELECT Statement
    • The SELECT List
    • SELECT List Wildcard (*)
    • The FROM Clause
    • How to Constrain the Result Set
  • Filtering Results with the Where Clause
    • WHERE Clause
    • Boolean Operators
    • The AND Keyword
    • The OR Keyword
    • Other Boolean Operators BETWEEN, LIKE, IN, IS, IS NOT
  • Shaping Results with ORDER BY and GROUP BY
    • ORDER BY
    • Set Functions
    • Set Function And Qualifiers
    • GROUP BY
    • HAVING clause
  • Matching Different Data Tables with JOINs
  • Creating Database Tables
    • NULL Values
  • Introduction to JDBC
    • Introduction to JDBC
    • Architecture of JDBC
    • Role of Driver Manager
    • Understanding JDBC Driver Types
  • Getting Started with JDBC
    • Connecting to Database using JDBC
    • Managing Database resources
    • Handling JDBC Exceptions
  • Performing Basic CRUD operations using JDBC
    • Executing Static SQL Statements
    • Iterating Through ResultSets
    • Understanding PreparedStatement
    • Retrieving Data Using PreparedStatement
    • Inserting the Record
    • Updating the Record
    • Removing the Record

Program Duration:


  • Java Web Applications
    • Web Applications – An Overview
    • Web Components
    • JEE Containers
  • Introduction to Servlets API and Ease of Development through Annotations
    • Introduction to Servlet
    • Role of Servlets in Web Application Design
    • Advantages of Servlets
    • Basic Servlet Architecture: Servlet Container
    • Servlet Lifecycle
    • Ease of Developing Servlets through Annotations
    • Retrieving Information from HTML Page
  • Request Object
    • Processing Get and Post Requests from Web Clients
    • Request Dispatcher
  • Listener
  • Session Tracking
    • Introduction and Need for Session Tracking
    • Different Techniques for Session Management
    • Examples and Best Practices
    • JSP

Program Duration: Week-4 (5-Days)


  • Introduction to ORM and its need
  • The Persistence Life Cycle
  • Java persistence API (JPA)
  • JPQL
  • Association and Mapping



  • Introduction to Spring Platform and environment and Spring Boot Features
  • Introduction to Spring Framework, IoC
    • What is Spring Framework,Benefits of Spring
    • The Spring architecture
    • IOC – Inversion of control, wiring beans
    • Bean containers, lifecycle of beans in containers
    • Customizing beans with BeanPostProcessors & BeanFactoryPostProcessors
    • XML and Annotation-based, mixed configurations
    • Java configuration
  • Spring MVC framework
    • Introduction: DispatcherServlet, Handler mappings, Resolving views
    • Annotation-based controller configuration
    • Web Based Application Using Spring Boot
    • Introduction to Web Services
    • Introduction to REST web Services
    • REST Controllers on the top of MVC
    • Spring Boot Integration with  Rest
  • Spring JPA Integration
    • Spring support for JPA
    • Implementing Spring JPA integration
    • Spring Data
    • Spring Boot Introduction and Features (Annotation based and Java configuration)
    • Spring REST
    • Spring DATA REST


Case Study(Using SpringBootDataJPARest)

Program Duration: WEEK-5(5 days)


  • ES6 & Typescript
    • Var, Let and Const keyword
    • Arrow functions, default arguments
    • Template Strings, String methods
    • Object de-structuring
    • Spread and Rest operator
    • Typescript Fundamentals
    • Types & type assertions, Creating custom object types, function types
    • Typescript OOPS – Classes, Interfaces, Constructor, etc
  • Introduction to Angular Framework
    • Introduction to Angular Framework, History & Overview
    • Environment Setup, Angular CLI, Installing Angular CLI
    • NPM commands & package.json
    • Bootstrapping Angular App, Components, AppModule
    • Project Setup, Editor Environments
    • First Angular App & Directory Structure
    • Angular Fundamentals, Building Blocks
    • MetaData
  • Essentials of Angular
    • Component Basics
    • Setting up the templates
    • Creating Components using CLI
    • Nesting Components
    • Data Binding – Property & Event Binding, String Interpolation, Style binding
    • Two-way data binding
    • Input Properties, Output Properties, Passing Event Data
  • Templates, Styles & Directives
    • Template, Styles, View Encapsulation, adding bootstrap to angular app
    • Built-in Directives, Creating Attribute Directive
    • Using Renderer to build attribute directive
    • Host Listener to listen to Host Events
    • Using Host Binding to bind to Host Properties
  • Pipes, Services & Dependency Injection
    • In-built Pipes, Creating a Custom Pipes
    • Services & Dependency Injections
    • Creating Data Service
    • Understanding Hierarchical Injector
  • Template-Driven and Reactive Forms
    • Template-Driven vs Reactive Approach
    • Understanding Form State
    • Built-in Validators & Using HTML5 Validation
    • Grouping Form Controls
    • FormGroup, FormControl, FormBuilder
    • Forms with Reactive Approach
    • Predefined Validators & Custom Validators
    • Showing validation errors
  • Components Deep Dive / Routing
    • Component Life Cycle Hooks
    • Reusable components in angular using <ng-content>
    • Navigating with Router links
    • Understanding Navigation Paths
    • Navigating Programmatically
    • Passing Parameters to Routes
    • Passing Query Parameters and Fragments
    • Setting up Child (Nested) Routes
    • Outsourcing Route Configuration (create custom module)
  • Http Requests / Observables
    • HTTP Requests
    • Sending GET Requests
    • Sending a PUT Request
    • Using the Returned Data
    • Catching Http Errors
    • Basics of Observables & Promises
  • Deployment / Authentication
    • JIT vs AOT Compilation
    • Deployment
    • How Authentication works in SPA
    • JSON Web Tokens
    • Signup, Login and logout application
    • Router Protection, Route Guards
    • CanActivate interface
  • Case Study Using Angular +Spring Boot Rest


Program Duration: WEEK-6(5 days)

  • Spring Cloud, Microservices (9th column)
    • Microservices Introduction
    • Centralized Config
    • Service Discovery, Registry
    • Circuit Breaker Pattern
    • Zipkin, Sleuth
  • Devops(10th column)
    • Git
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
    • Aws deployment of Angular Spring Boot App