A full stack developer is someone who works on both the front end and back end of a website or application. The front end being the more visual/visible elements of a site or app, and the back end being things like databases and networks. Course Includes C#,SQL SERVER, HTML5, CCS3, Bootstrap, ASP.NET MVC , Entity Framework , ASP.NET Web API
Introduction to C#
History of C# Version
C# Code Execution
Installing and Configuring Visual Studio
Data Type
Safe Type Casting with IS and AS Operator
C# Conditional Statements and Loops
Operators precedence
Conditional Statements: if, if..else if, switch
Loops: do..while, while, for, foreach
Jump Statements
C# Arrays and Strings
Types of Arrays
String Methods
Object-Oriented Programming in C#
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
Access Modifiers
C# Concepts: Abstract Class, Interface and Partial Class
Abstract Class
Interface vs. Abstract Class
Static Class
Extension Methods
Partial Class
Partial Methods
C#: Property, Indexer, Attributes and Exception Handling
Exceptional Handling
C# Concepts: Anonymous Type, Delegates, Events and Lambda
Extension Methods
Anonymous Type
Var and Dynamic
Anonymous Methods
Lambda Expression
Expression Tree
C# Asynchronous Programming – Async and Await
What is Synchronous and Asynchronous?
Asynchronous Programming Patterns in .NET
Asynchronous Programming Model (APM)
Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EPM)
Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP)
Async and Await in Task-based Asynchronous Pattern TAP
Asynchronous vs. Multithreading
Getting Started with SQL Server
Introduction to Database
Introduction to SQL Server
Installing SQL Server and Components
SQL Server Database and Tables
SQL Keys
SQL Commands
SQL Constraints
Types of Database
T-SQL Fundamentals with SQL Server
Data Types, Variables and Operators
SQL Server Control Of Flow
SQL Query and Sub Query
SQL Clauses
SQL Predicates
SQL Joins
SQL Exceptions
SQL Server Views and Indexes
SQL Server Views
Types of Views
SQL Sever Indexes
Types of Indexes
SQL Server Stored Procedures and Functions
Introduction to Stored Procedure
Types of Stored Procedure
Creating Stored Procedures For Insert, Update and Delete
Stored Procedures Parameters
SQL Server Functions
Scalar Functions
Table Valued Functions
SQL Server Triggers and Cursors
SQL Server Triggers
Types of Triggers
SQL Server Cursors
Types of Cursors
Cursor Alternatives
Understanding and Managing Azure SQL Database
Introduction to Azure SQL Database
Database Deployment Models
Azure SQL Database Server
Creating and Managing Single Database
Purchasing Models: DTU and vCore
Azure SQL Database Tools
Database Migration Using DMA
Creating and Managing Elastic Pool
Creating Managed Instance
Introduction to HTML
What is HTML?
History of HTML
HTML Development IDE
HTML Page Structure
Introduction to HTML5
HTML5 Document
Browsers Support and Advantages
HTML5 Basics : Tags, Elements and Attributes
HTML Elements and Attributes
HTML Formatting and Styles
HTML Layouts
HTML Blocks and Inline Elements
Empty Elements And Nested Elements
HTML Quotation and Citation Elements
HTML5 Tables, Lists and Layouts
HTML Tables – Columns, Row, Border, Padding
HTML Lists – Order and Unorder List
What is HTML Layouts?
Table Based Layout
Div Based Layout
HTML5 Structure Based Layout
HTML5 Forms, Media and Storage
HTML5 New Input Elements
HTML5 Forms Attributes
HTML5 Validations
HTML Media
HTML Audio
HTML Video
HTML and JavaScript
HTML Storage API
HTML Graphics
CSS3 Fundamentals
Introduction to CSS
CSS3 Selectors
Pseudo Elements and Pseudo Classes
Types of CSS
CSS Fonts and CSS Text
CSS Box Model
Margin, Padding and Border
Position and Colors
CSS Background and Gradients
CSS3 Advanced Concepts
CSS Units
CSS Layout
Media Queries
CSS Functions
Transforms – 2D and 3D
Transitions and Animations
CSS Shadow
Bootstrap :
Introduction to Bootstrap
Bootstrap Installation Options
Introduction to Bootstrap 4
Layouts and Grid System
Alignments and Offsets
Bootstrap 4 Flexbox, Style and Utilities
Bootstrap 4 CSS Components: Images, List, Tables, Button and Cards
Images and Lists
Bootstrap Tables
Buttons, Badges
Cards, Media Objects
Introduction to Bootstrap
Bootstrap Installation Options
Introduction to Bootstrap 4
Layouts and Grid System
Alignments and Offsets
Bootstrap 4 Flexbox, Style and Utilities
Bootstrap 4 CSS Components: Images, List, Tables, Button and Cards
Images and Lists
Bootstrap Tables
Buttons, Badges
Cards, Media Objects
Bootstrap 4 CSS Components: Forms, Navbars, Pagination and Spinners
Forms and Validations
Nav, Navbar
Breadcrumb and Pagination
Progress bars and Spinners
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
Advantages of ASP.NET MVC
Creating ASP.NET MVC5 Project
Understanding ASP.NET MVC Folder Structure
Layout, Sections and View Start
MVC Pattern
MVC vs. Tier
Action Methods and Result Types
ASP.NET MVC Fundamentals
Razor View Engine
Razor View Engine vs. WebForms Engine
Razor Syntax
Creating Custom View Engine
Routing : Routes and Constraints
HTML Helpers
Validation Summary
AJAX Helpers
Data Passing Techniques: ViewData, ViewBag, TempData, Session, QueryString
Partial Views
ASP.NET MVC Forms and Validation
Model Binding
Custom Model Binding
Synchronous Forms
Asynchronous Forms
Forms Validations : Server Side and Client Side
Custom Validation
Working with Data Using Entity Framework
Introduction to Entity Framework
Creating Database Using Code First
Database CRUD Operations
Working with jQuery AJAX
Calling Stored Procedure and Functions
Listing, Paging, Sorting using WebGrid
AJAX WebGrid
ASP.NET MVC Unit Testing
Introduction to Unit Testing
Test Driven Development (TDD)
.NET Unit Testing Frameworks
Visual Studio Live Unit Testing
Creating Test cases using MS Test
Creating Test cases using xUnit
Using Mocking Frameworks
ASP.NET MVC Pipeline and Security
ASP.NET MVC Pipeline
Filters Configurations and Execution
Creating Custom ASP.NET MVC Filters
Security : Forms Authentication
Creating User Login Flow
Accessing Logged In User Details
Creating Base Controller
Building RESTful Services with ASP.NET Web API
Introduction to ASP.NET Web API
Building ASP.NET Web API
ASP.NET Web API CRUD Operations
Testing Web API Using Postman
Consuming Web API in ASP.NET MVC
Performing CRUD Operations using ASP.NET MVC
Introduction to Entity Framework: Getting Started
Introduction to Entity Framework
Introduction to ORM Tools
Introduction to Entity Framework
Entity Framework Architecture
Data Modeling Approaches
Getting Started With EF
Entity Framework Database First Approach
Database First Approach
DbContext in EF 6
EF CRUD Operations Using ASP.NET MVC
Mapping Stored Procedures and Functions
Calling Stored Procedures and Functions
Performing CUD Operations
Entity Framework Code First Approach
EF Code First Modeling
EF Conventions
Database Annotation
EF Fluent API
CRUD Operations Using ASP.NET MVC
Calling Stored Procedure and Functions
Handling Input and Output Parameters
Handling Multiple Result sets
EF Code First Migrations and Relationships
Code First Migrations
Script Migrations
Migrations with Existing Database
Reverse Engineering
Database Initializers
Database Relationships – one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many
EF Inheritance
Entity Framework Advanced Concepts
Entity and States
Data Loading
Transactions and Async Query
Working with Entity States
Eager Loading vs Explicit Loading
Handling Concurrency Conflicts
Working with Transactions in EF
Introduction to Web API: Getting Started
Introduction to SOA
Introduction to REST
Introduction to ASP.NET Web API
WCF vs. Web API
Building Web API
Testing API Using Postman
ASP.NET Web API Fundamentals
Routing – Convention and Attribute Routing
Route Constraints
Action Result
Content Negotiation
Media Type Formatters
Model Binding
Model Validation
Handling Validation Errors
Building RESTful Services with ASP.NET Web API
Introduction to ASP.NET Web API
Building ASP.NET Web API
ASP.NET Web API CRUD Operations
Testing Web API Using Postman
Consuming Web API in ASP.NET MVC
Performing CRUD Operations using ASP.NET MVC
ASP.NET Web API Advanced Concepts
ASP.NET Web API Pipeline
Web API Filters
Creating Custom Filters
Exception Handling
Dependency Injection
Web API Versioning
Web API Hosting
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