Flutter Full Stack

About the Course

Developing for mobile platforms can be frustrating, and Flutter is Google’s solution to make mobile development better. This course will teach you the basics of Flutter, including building a UI, using animations, and creating a database app. Flutter training course is designed to learn how to use Flutter to develop high-quality, interactive mobile applications both for iOS and Android devices. In this training course, you will learn how to how to code using Dart and build beautiful, fast, native-quality iOS and Android apps. Even if you have ZERO programming experience. Whether you are a newbie in mobile app development, or experienced with other mobile app frameworks, you’ll enjoy the high-velocity development and quality apps that Flutter enables. The course is intended for Front End Web Developer, Full Stack Web Developer, Java Developer, or anyone who want to learn Flutter app development fundamentals.

Duration: 2.5 Months

Mode: Online Session

  1. Learn how to setup material app using android studio
  2. Overview of flutter
  3. Basic Dart programming concepts
  4. Understanding the widgets
  5. Displaying the content on screen
  6. Debugging the testing app with flutter
  1. Stateless vs stateful widgets
  2. Defining state
  3. The setstate()method
  1. Creating login and Signup form
  2. Handling user input
  3. Form validation
  4. Submitting form and retrieve data
  1. Material app and scaffold widget
  2. Appbar
  3. Floating Action Button
  4. Text, center and padding
  1. Applying theme data
  2. Applying custom font
  1. Future function
  2. Async and await
  1. http package
  2. Model class and json parsing
  3. Displaying API data
  1. Navigator and routes
  2. Applying push()andpop()
  1. Container
  2. Card
  3. Importing images from network
  4. Importing images and assets
  5. Understanding Row and columns
  6. Listview and lisTitle
  7. Gridview
  8. Alert dialogbox
  9. Building views using listview builder
  1. Basic concept of sqlite database
  2. Database connection
  3. CRUD operation on flutter database
  1. Camera
  2. Location
  3. Connectivity