Python Full Stack

About the Course

The python Full Stack Developer course offered by PRT Software Solutions provides comprehensive training in full stack development using python.This course is designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to build and deploy full stack web applications.The course covers a wide range of topics, from the basis of python programming to advanced concepts like Djanjo, Flask,and NoSQL databases.

This course is suitable for individuals who want to pursue a career in full stack development or those who want to upgrade their skills to the latest technologies.The course curriculum is designed to cater to the latest industry  requirements and covers the entire software development life cycle.

The course provides students with interactive modules,hands-on projects,and live virtual sessions with industry experts. The course also includes a capstone project,where students can demonstrate their skills and apply their knowledge to a real-word problem.

In conclusion, the PRT Software Solutions  Python Full Stack Developer course provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to gain in demand skills and knowledge in full stack development using python .This course is ideal for anyone who wants to advance their career as a full stack developer or build their own web applications.


Duration: 120 hours

Mode: Online Session

Program Duration: Week-1(5 DAYS)



  • HTML Basics
    • Understand the structure of an HTML page.
    • New Semantic Elements in HTML 5
    • Learn to apply physical/logical character effects.
    • Learn to manage document spacing.
  • Tables
    • Understand the structure of an HTML table.
    • Learn to control table format like cell spanning, cell spacing, border
  • List
    • Numbered List
    • Bulleted List
  • Working with Links
    • Understand the working of hyperlinks in web pages.
    • Learn to create hyperlinks in web pages.
    • Add hyperlinks to list items and table contents.
  • Image Handling
    • Understand the role of images in web pages
    • Learn to add images to web pages
    • Learn to use images as hyperlinks
  • Frames
    • Understand the need for frames in web pages.
    • Learn to create and work with frames.
  • HTML Forms for User Input
    • Understand the role of forms in web pages
    • Understand various HTML elements used in forms.
    • Single line text field
    • Text area
    • Check box
    • Radio buttons
    • Password fields
    • Pull-down menus
    • File selector dialog box
  • New Form Elements
    • Understand the new HTML form elements such as date, number, range, email, search and data list
    • Understand audio, video, article tags


  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets 3.0
    • What CSS can do
    • CSS Syntax
    • Types of CSS
  • Working with Text and Fonts
    • Text Formatting
    • Text Effects
    • Fonts
  • CSS Selectors
    • Type Selector
    • Universal Selector
    • ID Selector
    • Class selector
  • Colors and Borders
    • Background
    • Multiple Background
    • Colors RGB and RGBA
    • HSL and HSLA
    • Borders
    • Rounded Corners
    • Applying Shadows in border


  • Introduction to Bootstrap
    • Introduction
    • Getting Started with Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Basics
    • Bootstrap grid system
    • Bootstrap Basic Components
  • Bootstrap Components
    • Page Header
    • Breadcrumb
    • Button Groups
    • Dropdown
    • Nav & Navbars


  • ES6
  • Var, Let and Const keyword
  • Arrow functions, default arguments
  • Template Strings, String methods
  • Object de-structuring
  • Create,apply,prototype,bind method
  • Spread and Rest operator
  • Typescript Fundamentals
  • Types & type assertions, Creating custom object types, function types
  • Typescript OOPS – Classes, Interfaces, Constructor, etc
  • Decorator & Spread Operator
  • Difference == & ===
  • Asynchronous Programming in ES6
  • Promise Constructor
  • Promise with Chain
  • Promise Race

Program Duration: Week-2 (5-DAYS)


  1. Python Introduction
  • What’s Python?
  • Why do people use Python?
  • Some quotable quotes
  • A Python history lesson
  • Advocacy News
  • What’s Python good for?
  • What’s Python not good for?
  • The features list
  • Python portability
  • Summary

Using the Interpreter

  • Python’s Interactive Prompt
  • Scripting
  • Program Execution Model
  • Program Architecture: modules
  • How to run Python programs
  • Using Python IDEs

working with Variables in Python

  • Python Variables
  • Naming Conventions & Rules
  • Types as Objects
  • Variable References & Garbage Collection
  • Sequence Types
  • Membership Statements
  • List Iteration
  • Sequence Assignments
  • Mutable vs Immutable Objects
  • Multi Target Assignments


Numeric Operations in Python

  • More About Python’s Numeric Types
  • Numeric Tools
  • The Decimal Module
  • Operator
  • Arithmetic
  • Logical
  • Relational
  • Bitwise
  • Special Operators
  • Operator Precedence
  1. Decision making & Looping
  • Comparison Operations
  • The if Statement
  • The if Ternary Expression
  • The while Loop
  • The for Loop


  Python Strings

  • Generating Strings in Python
  • Immutable
  • Common String Methods
  • Type Conversion in Python
  • Formatting String Output
  • Format Specifier
  • Variable Substitution
  • String Indexing
  • String Slicing
  • String Iteration


Python’s Tuples

  • Immutable
  • Common Tuples Methods
  • Tuples Operations
  • Tuples Indexing
  • Tuples Slicing
  • Tuples Iteration
  • Multi-Dimensional Tuples (Matrices)
  1. Python’s Lists
  • Common List Methods
  • The range() Function
  • List Operations
  • String Indexing
  • String Slicing
  • String Iteration
  • Multi-Dimensional Lists (Matrices)
  1. Python List Comprehension
  • Basic List Comprehensions
  • Compound List Comprehensions
  1. Python set data type
  • Understanding & using set data type
  1. Python Dictionaries
  • Python Dictionaries
  • Assigning Values to Dictionaries
  • Dictionary Methods
  • Dictionaries vs Lists & Tuples
  • Dictionary Indexing
  • Dictionary Iteration
  1. Basic Input/Output with Files
  • Opening Files
  • Working with Files
  • Controlling Output Location
  1. Creating Python Functions
  • Function Basics
  • Defining Functions
  • Function Polymorphism
  • Argument Defaults
  • Lambdas
  • Local Variables
  • Understanding __built-in__
  • Preventing Variable Modifications
  • Argument Matching Methods
  • Keyword Argument Methods
  1. Classes and Objects
  • Introduction to OOP using python
  • Classes and class attributes
  • Instances and instance attributes
  • Binding and method invocation
  • Composition, Sub-classing and Derivation
  • Inheritance
  • Built-in functions for classes, instances and other objects
  • Privacy and Delegation
  • An overview of built-in python classes and modules
  1. Modules & Packages
  • Module Basics
  • Packages
  • Package Creation and Importing
  • Using __all__ and _ Variables
  • Using __name__
  • Using third party modules
  1. Exceptions
  • About Exceptions
  • Learning how exceptions work in Depth
    • Handling exceptions 
    • Raising exceptions 
    • Catching exceptions
  • Python’s Default Exception Handler
  • Using Try/Except/Else/Finally Exceptions
  • Generating User Defined Exceptions
  • Using Asserts
  • Exception Classes
  1. Regular Expression in Python
  • Using the re module 
  • Searching with regular expressions 
  • Replacing with regular expressions 
  • Reusing regular expressions with recompile 
  • The match Function 
  • The search Function 
  • Regular-expression patterns 
  1. Multi-threaded Programming
  • Starting a New Thread
  • The Threading Module
  • Creating Thread Using Threading Module

Program Duration: Week-3 (5 Days) 



  • Introduction
    • The Relational Model
  • Understanding Basic SQL Syntax
    • The Relational Model
    • Basic SQL Commands – SELECT
    • Basic SQL Commands – INSERT
    • Basic SQL Commands – UPDATE
    • Basic SQL Commands – DELETE
  • Querying Data with the SELECT Statement
    • The SELECT List
    • SELECT List Wildcard (*)
    • The FROM Clause
    • How to Constrain the Result Set
  • Filtering Results with the Where Clause
    • WHERE Clause
    • Boolean Operators
    • The AND Keyword
    • The OR Keyword
    • Other Boolean Operators BETWEEN, LIKE, IN, IS, IS NOT
  • Shaping Results with ORDER BY and GROUP BY
    • ORDER BY
    • Set Functions
    • Set Function And Qualifiers
    • GROUP BY
    • HAVING clause
  • Matching Different Data Tables with JOINs
  • Creating Database Tables
    • NULL Values



  • Introduction to JDBC
    • Introduction to PDBC
    • Architecture of PDBC
  • Performing Basic CRUD operations using JDBC

Program Duration: Days-5 (Week4) 


 Installation and Introduction to Django

  • Learn about python  programing (inbuilt data structure & Object oriented Programing)
  • Learn and explore various web dev tools like VsCode Editor, Git & Github,
  • Sqlite3, Postman, Virtual Environment, DBeaver, and Other Essential Tools
  • Install Django framework and it’s dependencies
  • Setup Django environment
  • Create your first sample Django project
  • Learn about project structure in Django

Django Admin, Commands and Shell

  • Acquire the knowledge to reuse initial built-in Django applications
  • Learn about Django admin
  • Learn about various Django Commands
  • Learn about Django Shell

Routing and Views in Django

  • Map web URLs to view functions
  • Familiarize with various HTTP methods, including GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE
  • Create simple views in django with HTTP response or JSON response and learn about different status codes


  • Build Dynamic Django templates that display the HTML GUI seen by clients, using server-side Python
  • Add conditions and loops in templates to avoid repetitions, build common layouts 

Databases and Model layer

  • Learn about connecting to a relational database in Django.
  • Learn about Django migrations, and how to use them to update your database schema.
  • Explore Django ORM (Object Relational Mapping). Understand Django models, relationship between models, learn how to query on models.

Django Forms

  • Understand the Django approach of building, handling, validating and submitting HTML forms.

Program Duration: WEEK-5(5 days) ( 5th Column)


  • ES6 & Typescript
    • Var, Let and Const keyword
    • Arrow functions, default arguments
    • Template Strings, String methods
    • Object de-structuring
    • Spread and Rest operator
    • Typescript Fundamentals
    • Types & type assertions, Creating custom object types, function types
    • Typescript OOPS – Classes, Interfaces, Constructor, etc
  • Introduction to Angular Framework
    • Introduction to Angular Framework, History & Overview
    • Environment Setup, Angular CLI, Installing Angular CLI
    • NPM commands & package.json
    • Bootstrapping Angular App, Components, AppModule
    • Project Setup, Editor Environments
    • First Angular App & Directory Structure
    • Angular Fundamentals, Building Blocks
    • MetaData
  • Essentials of Angular
    • Component Basics
    • Setting up the templates
    • Creating Components using CLI
    • Nesting Components
    • Data Binding – Property & Event Binding, String Interpolation, Style binding
    • Two-way data binding
    • Input Properties, Output Properties, Passing Event Data
  • Templates, Styles & Directives
    • Template, Styles, View Encapsulation, adding bootstrap to angular app
    • Built-in Directives, Creating Attribute Directive
    • Using Renderer to build attribute directive
    • Host Listener to listen to Host Events
    • Using Host Binding to bind to Host Properties
  • Pipes, Services & Dependency Injection
    • In-built Pipes, Creating a Custom Pipes
    • Services & Dependency Injections
    • Creating Data Service
    • Understanding Hierarchical Injector
  • Template-Driven and Reactive Forms
    • Template-Driven vs Reactive Approach
    • Understanding Form State
    • Built-in Validators & Using HTML5 Validation
    • Grouping Form Controls
    • FormGroup, FormControl, FormBuilder
    • Forms with Reactive Approach
    • Predefined Validators & Custom Validators
    • Showing validation errors
  • Components Deep Dive / Routing
    • Component Life Cycle Hooks
    • Reusable components in angular using <ng-content>
    • Navigating with Router links
    • Understanding Navigation Paths
    • Navigating Programmatically
    • Passing Parameters to Routes
    • Passing Query Parameters and Fragments
    • Setting up Child (Nested) Routes
    • Outsourcing Route Configuration (create custom module)
  • Http Requests / Observables
    • HTTP Requests
    • Sending GET Requests
    • Sending a PUT Request
    • Using the Returned Data
    • Catching Http Errors
    • Basics of Observables & Promises
  • Deployment / Authentication
    • JIT vs AOT Compilation
    • Deployment
    • How Authentication works in SPA
    • JSON Web Tokens
    • Signup, Login and logout application
    • Router Protection, Route Guards
    • CanActivate interface

  • Case Study Using Angular +Pytho